To ensure that the accents and capitalization appear correctly on all channels, you must specify an appropriate spelling in the metadata fields. Our quality control team reserves the right to correct errors in grammar, in spelling and punctuation.
1. Nonstandard capitalization. Titles should not contain all capital letters or all lower case letters. All titles and names, should appear with a proper use of capitalization.
2. Abbreviation. The words "Part" and "Volume" should be abbreviated as "Pt." and "Vol."
The titles that require the use of one of those two words, should have the following format: "Title, Vol. X" and "Title, Pt. X" (where "X" is a number.)
3. Titles in English. The titles for albums and tracks in English language, should have title case format (all words are capitalized except articles and conjunctions). In addition, the first letter of the words before and after a hyphen (-), a slash (/) or a colon (:), should be capitalized.
For example: In the Still of the Night
The following words should always be lowercase, with a few exceptions:
- a, an, and, as, but, for, from, nor, of, or, so, the, to, y yet.
- Prepositions of four letters or less (at, by, for, from, in, into, of, off, on, onto, out, over, to, up, y with)
4 Titles in Spanish, and Portuguese. For albums and tracks titles in Spanish and Portuguese, you can decide on either title or sentence casing, as long as the format is consistent throughout the entire album. The first letter of a word that is in parentheses or brackets should be capitalized. In addition, words after a hyphen (-), slash (/) or colon (:), must be uppercase.
The following words in Spanish, should always be in lower case:
- a, al, de, del, e, el, en, la, las, los, o, para, por, un, una, y.
The following words in Portuguese should always be in lower case:
- a, à, ao, aos, as, às, da, das, de, das, do, dos, e, em, na, nas, no, nas, nos, o, os, ou, para, pela, pelas, pelo, pelos, por, um, uma.
5. Titles in Swedish, French and Italian. The titles of albums and tracks in Swedish, French, and Italian should be in sentence format, i.e., only the first word of the sentence should have the first letter capitalized, all others must be lowercase, except in cases of names and / or abbreviations.
6. Titles in German. German albums and tracks titles must use sentence case, and the first letter of every noun must be capitalized.
7. Accents and required characters. All western languages should include all appropriate accents and characters, as required by the correct spelling of each language respectively.
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