Once you have purchased a VEVO channel setup on our options store, we need the following information to start creating your account:
- Desired channel name (please make sure it is not already used)
- 5000 x 5000 Artist Image (shall be a press photo, no logo / text, real artist image only)
- YouTube Banner (specifications here under "size guidelines": https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2972003?hl=en)
- Official Website/Facebook/Twitter/iTunes URLs
- Channel information (About): biography
For each video submitted:
- Title
- Artist name
- Genre
- Video thumbnail:
- Minimum HD – 1920 x 1080 px (Full Res video stills preferred)
- No letterboxing
- No text/graphic overlays unless associated with a Lyric Video
- Video ISRC
- Video file to be sent via wetransfer
Please contact our customer service team with the above information, mentioning the reference of your order.
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