What is brand attribution?
Any attempt to showcase a product, brand or brand message in a video.
What is natural product placement?
The inclusion of a product, brand logo or brand message during the creative process that displays for no more than 8 seconds.
Can you define “creative process?
Sure. The product, brand logo or tagline has to be part of the set in the video. A product or a logo can’t be burned into the content in an unnatural way (as an intro/outro or part of a lower-third).
What is a “sponsorship with a Vevo sanctioned media buy?”
While an artist, artist manager or label may facilitate conversations around sponsorships and media buys, ultimately, the media buy has to flow through Vevo’s review, approval and activation process.
- Vevo will not accept unsolicited content with brand attribution that extends beyond natural product placement. Unsolicited content that does not comply is subject to takedowns at Vevo’s discretion.
- Vevo will accept content containing Brand Attribution if a sponsorship with a Vevo sanctioned media buy that includes one of the options below is approved prior to delivery.
The options for display of the product, brand logo or brand message must meet the following guidelines:
OPTION 1: Video Title + Video Description
- Sponsor can include their brand mention in the video title metadata (Vevo + YouTube) and the video description metadata (YouTube only)
- The combination of Artist Name + Video Title (including sponsor mention) should not exceed 100 characters. There are limitations on the YouTube side that may cause Artist Names to drop off in favor of the title.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDc_5zpBj7s (YOUTUBE DESCRIPTION)
OPTION 2: Paid Product Placement
- Naturally integrated inclusion of the sponsor’s brand logo, brand message and/or product that exceeds the 8 seconds referenced above.
- PPP is subject to CC&P review and approval.
- Content Ops will notify YouTube by checking the PPP flag during upload (for tracking purposes)
- YouTube reserves the right to disable monetization [burned in logos do not qualify as PPP and any inclusion will be in violation of policy]
OPTION 3: Title Card
- Short, static messaging normally in a pre or end position used to attribute sponsorship to a brand.
- Display time <00:05s
- No animation
- If used in the first 00:05s must be co-branded with creator
- Content may expire at the end of agreed upon flight
OPTION 4: End Slate
- Sponsor’s brand logo/message/product included in the final frames of the video.-
- Can only appear in the final 00:30s of video-
- 00:03-05s display time max
- No animation
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