1. Upload a track
Upload your track as normal. Four tabs will be displayed; Basic, Metadata, Monetization, and Permissions. On the “Basic” tab the Track Title is required in order to monetize.
2. Add Metadata
On the Metadata tab, add the track’s metadata - the more, the better. In order to properly identify your work, SoundCloud requires one crucial piece of information: the ISRC. If this element is left blank, your content won’t be monetized. Artist Name, Track Title and at least one tag is also required in order to monetize.
The ISRC or International Standard Recording Code, or the ISRC is required in order to monetize your content. It’s essential that a track only has one ISRC associated with it and for that reason it’s really important you use an existing ISRC for licensed tracks. Please don’t be tempted to create a duplicate just because you don’t have the original on hand.
4. (P) Line
Another element that is vital to your metadata is the P line. This is the copyright owner.
5. Add monetization rules
Here you have the option to schedule when monetization starts and ends on a track. If you need to restrict playback by territory, or schedule public/private
6. New tracks set to be monetized will be placed on hold in the US and other territories selected for monetization until the publishing information has been cleared.
Tip: You can set your track to private initially during the clearance process, until SoundCloud notify you that publishing has been cleared to ensure it is available in all territories simultaneously.
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